
Unique Experiences - Commercial Architecture.

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In each of the projects that we face from Base3, we have the fundamental premise of highlighting. We believe that it is the difference that makes us unique, and this is what we seek to generate in the brands with which we work. For this, we use commercial architecture, a concept that is far from what we would commonly think ...

What do we mean by this?
That the commercial architecture has as its purpose: to generate identity. And that is not limited only to the structure of a place. it includes functionality, distribution, colors, aromas, sounds, textures ... Brand identity is experience. Yes, because all elections in a specific context generate a unique situation, which encourages the desire to buy there, and not anywhere else. That is why companies strive so much to achieve recognition, differentiation. So that the clients remember them, but even more, so that they return. For if a user felt comfortable and comfortable in the environment achieved, sooner or later, you will want to relive that feeling ...

We intend to improve the shopping experience of new shoppers under the integration of designed, functional and impacting spaces, but always keeping the product as the protagonist. For the purpose of the shops, offices and their showcases, is to show and sell the product. And in this endless and changing search to provide innovative visual communication solutions, we come across the decoration in printed materials. From illustrations, traditional paintings, to walls and murals printed on materials directly. A fascinating find! A host of super-varied, versatile and resistant elements. Whether vinyl, fabric, PVC, wood, aluminum ... there will always be a material that suits the needs of each project. Like the range of ecological inks with which we print, guaranteeing quality, the best definition and sustainability.

That's why we want to invite you to project with us. To work collaboratively in the renewal of your brand. Powering more than a product, generating memorable experiences.

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01 May, 2019 | BLOG base3 BACK


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